Website Re-build Offer

Is your website difficult to change?

If you find that your website is difficult to change, or it costs a lot and takes a long time to make any changes, then it’s very likely that your website was built using code.

That means that you need the help of a web agency or web developer to make changes, which is time consuming and costly.  

If you are frustrated by your current website, then we have an offer to make.

We can rebuild your website exactly as it looks today, using Elementor, the easy to use Website Builder.  It’s so easy to use that anyone can use it and it gives you complete control over the look, feel and content of your website. 

Once we have re-built your website we will hand it over to you and provide you with optional training.  From that point on, adding pages and making design changes is straightforward and simple.


Our Offer

50% discount off our standard pricing.

Because of the confidence we have in Elementor we are offering to take your existing, website and rebuild it in Elementor with 50% off our prices.

Once complete you will then have complete control over the content, design and management of your website. 

The cost is determined by the number of pages and post types, not posts, on your site.  A post type is a blog layout – often there is only one type but if you have a few categories then these are classed as post types.

If you want a training package tailored to your specific website then add £100 to the total cost.

Pricing (UK£):

Setup and transfer                        250.00

Price per page.                              100.00

Price per post type.                       100.00



Small site:

5 pages and 1 post type.               850.00
Normal time scale  <7 days

Medium site

10 pages and 3 post types.         1550.00
Normal time scale  <10 days

Large site

25 pages and 8 post types.         3550.00
Normal time scale <15 days

If your website includes e-commerce we will quote separately for this.

(Prices exclude any VAT).


Terms & Conditions:

We will rebuild an existing website exactly as it currently looks. We can make only make minimal modifications in order for us to be able to complete the task in the shortest possible time.

Setup includes an audit of the current website, colour scheme, fonts and menu structure. It also includes the setup of an interim site to build the new one and then the transfer of this site to your existing domain plus testing to ensure the site works on all devices.

Websites will be built with responsively with desktop, tablet and mobile in mind.

We will agree a work schedule which will form the basis of the re-build.

If you give us the name of your website, we will assess it and give you an initial quotation.  If you are still interested we can discuss it further before we agree to go ahead.

If you would like a quote, please fill in the form below and we'll be back in touch.

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