The Reservoir Digital Blog

The 3 ages of Marketing

Geologic time is defined by some key features and the emergence of certain types of creatures.  In that respect it’s almost exactly like Marketing.  Although

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The 3 ages of Marketing

Geologic time is defined by some key features and the emergence of certain types of creatures.  In that respect it’s almost exactly like Marketing.  Although

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Why you need to break away from your web supplier

Cutting ties with your current web company can be a wise decision that can bring numerous benefits to your business. Firstly, it allows you to explore new opportunities and potentially find a provider that better aligns with your evolving needs and goals. A fresh perspective can often lead to innovative

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How to break free from your web agency!

In our last blog here we talked about the need to be in control of your website, and how you know whether you’re in control or not. Now we want to talk about how, if you are not in control, how do you wrestle it back from the agency. Let’s

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Case Study – Website Conversion

Although we’re not able to publicise the name of our client all of the details are real and can be corroborated by the client, if needed. Our client had a major issue with their main website. It was built using code, by a web agency. The website looked good, great

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Are you in control of your website?

Why control What do we mean when we ask the question about being in control of your website? Fundamentally we think all small businesses should be in total control, because if you’re not then you’re at the mercy of the web agencies. Many of these web agencies are decent and

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Top 3 Website Frustrations for Small Businesses

As a small business you often face frustrations when it comes to your website. While these frustrations can vary depending on your specific business and its goals, there are three common issues that we find small businesses encounter: Lack of Visibility and Traffic: You may find that your website looks

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How to build ‘Marketing Ready’ websites

We are not exactly reluctant website developers, but we do it, simply because we found that when we were called in to build a marketing engine for our clients, the website proved to be a hindrance to that. For example, we found that to build proper landing pages, calls to

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The problem with your (B2B) web site…

I think you have a problem with your website. It’s not a problem that you want to admit, but nevertheless, if you want to fix it, you better confront the issue. What am I talking about? I’m talking about the fact that your website does nothing for your business. It

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Three reasons your static website is killing your business.

What are Static Websites? Lots of small businesses are stuck with a website that they can’t change without either reverting to their supplier or hiring specialized skills, both of which will cost money, and sometimes not insignificant amounts. We call this a static website and there are some very serious

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Are you paying too much for your website?

If it costs a couple of pounds, per year to register a domain name, and hosting is around £10.00 per month, then why are you paying a lot more than this to your Web Developer? Is it because they told you this is too complicated to do yourself? Or you

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Should you build your own website?

If you’re anything like me, I always want to find the most cost effective way to do things.  Sometimes that means handing things over to specialists to get the job done, because we can’t be experts in everything.  Building a web site is often seen as something you should get

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Why wire-frames and designs are out of date

In the good old days of website building a process developed which continues to this day.  First of all someone would develop wire-frame diagrams of your website.  The argument for them was that it would simply show you what elements you wanted on your website and where they were placed. 

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How to wrestle back control of your website

Recently I was asked to help re-develop a website.  No big deal there – The website looked very old and wasn’t easy to navigate, and the client was sure there was something better out there.  But when I looked further into it, I was truly staggered by the situation and

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