Marketing doesn’t work – here’s why

Here’s how it goes:

You spend your marketing dollars on telling the world how great you are:

  • What wonderful products you make
  • How your staff are the best in the world
  • How your services can help your customers save millions

You use all the – Social Media you can find, you blast out emails and you have an army of telemarketers talking to the outside world.

And yet you can’t keep your sales people supplied with leads.

But wait, none of that matters anyway,  because you have a bunch of sales people with telephones and/or cars who can schlep around the country digging up new business for you.

If you could be bothered you could calculate how much every lead costs you, but the answer would probably scare the bejesus out of you.

If this is all too familiar then maybe you are wasting a lot of money and maybe now is the time to re-think this mess.

We don’t profess to have all the answers.  But we have a few, and some of them are tough to come to terms with.

For example, maybe you should stop telling people how good  you are and start telling them stuff that they really want to know.  Of course you’ll only know what to talk to them about if you ask them or find out first.  Maybe that’s a good place to start.


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